Monday, November 16, 2009


So on Saturday evening, me and the MO family finally met up after so long. We had dinner at F.I.S.H. at tampines 1. Haha. I have been eating a lot of fish these days. So i ordered this cod fish thingy. Didnt manage to snap a pic of it. And surprisingly, it was superbly delicious. haha. Coz before that i heard ppl say that the food there not that nice. Lol

So besides that, we also wanted to celebrate Gracecia's birthday which falls on mon which is today. Haha. We (excludes me) gave her present consist of 21 pieces of various things. Such as 21 rochers, 21 pegs and more. haha. Quite a lot of things. We actually settled this at mcdonalds tamp mall. The place was so crowded at that time. haha. So after that we went home! Happy Birthday Gracecia!!

Posted by Other Eden at 6:47 AM